Eli and Wilson found a nest in our backyard after the tree trimmers left a few weeks back.
mIt had that natural rhythm to it that a nest can have, but still was chaos: a mess of strands and fibers. I ignored it.
A nest...a nest. Suzy had done an album of her music last year titled Radar and Nest....what did that mean? It brought to mind sending messages out into the atmosphere and then bringing them to a nurturing home. She told me what the title meant at the time but I can't recall as I'm staring at the thing. My brother had been looking at Echolilia prints one day and commented that the project kind of looked like our house looked: papers, kids drawings, pens and pencils, messy, all of that. And then it should. All the shots are done in the house, the backyard, the sidewalk...every time we go on a trip and shoot the images never really fit in.
A friend was in the process of adopting a nine year old kid from China. She was telling me about her kids making all these preparations for this new sibling's arrival: getting her room ready, setting up some email thing for her, buying her clothing they thought would be cool...they were putting the pieces together for this new kid to arrive and be welcomed. I wanted to look at this nest thing again.
mA nest...a nest. Suzy had done an album of her music last year titled Radar and Nest....what did that mean? It brought to mind sending messages out into the atmosphere and then bringing them to a nurturing home. She told me what the title meant at the time but I can't recall as I'm staring at the thing. My brother had been looking at Echolilia prints one day and commented that the project kind of looked like our house looked: papers, kids drawings, pens and pencils, messy, all of that. And then it should. All the shots are done in the house, the backyard, the sidewalk...every time we go on a trip and shoot the images never really fit in.
A friend was in the process of adopting a nine year old kid from China. She was telling me about her kids making all these preparations for this new sibling's arrival: getting her room ready, setting up some email thing for her, buying her clothing they thought would be cool...they were putting the pieces together for this new kid to arrive and be welcomed. I wanted to look at this nest thing again.
I dunno...it kind of looks like tangled wires and thread. Very organic but there is some structure, some pattern. I think it looks like the curious wiring I always suspect exists in my son's head. Everything is connected and working but I can't make any sense of it.
I started pairing it with images and landed on this combination that seemed to do whatever I was trying to do:
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