Putting lots of time trying to get the commercial portfolio off the ground. It's not terrible but there isn't a sense of discovery to that project like there is with the Echolilia book. In the evening, the kids go to bed, I try to put some energy into it and come up with a spread that speaks in some non-literal manner. I gotta make a choice here, between these two creations, though. They seem to mean different things.
I don't speak to the pairing, but for me the first picture in the second set is more enigmatic and unusual than the first picture in the first set. fwiw, i'm no art buyer, just an art trader!
they DO have different meaning s to me... and i love them both.
the first is DONE. a still moment, a statement, after the fact....
the second is IN PROCESS and symbolism.... and thoughtful. an intimate moment. depends on what you want to say in the book... or spread...
beautiful T.
I agree, the 2nd set, 1st image speaks more. I think it is a stronger image, especially considering you are doing a commercial portfolio. The other one is static for that type of work, in my opinion, though is very strong on a personal level, in terms of the project.
I don't have an answer for you, but appreciate you asking the question and am really excited about what you're doing with this work. I guess to further complicate the issue, the question I'd have is what comes before and after these pairings? Both are awfully handsome.
Oh, I guess I should clarify: these spreads are from the Echolila book I'm working on...more of a personal project, not a commercial concern. It is what I escape to at nite....it's like creative dessert or something.
What comes before or after? To be honest, with this project I've approached it by trying to come up with pairs. I've got 5 spreads that start off the book and spell out the thesis ( in my head they do), but then...I don't have the form. I just have pairs that I'm trying to sequence. I met with a friend today who looked at the work and said " ah...you gotta find an arc in here somewhere ", as in that is the next step for the project. I think she is correct.
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