Shaye La McKenney of La Library, S.F.'s socialist boutique for 7x7 magazine with p.e. Kathryn Roach.
Inspired performance by Shaye and high drama hair and make-up by her stylist Shana Astrachan.
New work from photographer Timothy Archibald as well as the work of other folks he really digs.
rumor has it Hartle just cleaned house and cut over 30% of staff... hopefully the mag isn't on the outs. . .
pe's included . . .
Hey...where did you hear that? Do you know who stayed and who got nixed?
archibald drives another pub out of biz
yeah, actually most of the creative staff. Stefani Michjeda (photo ed), Kathryn Roach (photo assoc). . . a bunch of peeps from CHD, too... I think even their senior editor...
as far as 7x7 is concerned, they only have a creative director and a design assoc left as far as "creatives" go. it sucks pretty bad... they've been good to this bird over the years. . .
Stefani has a baby now, so for her it's not so bad. she'll be fine. Kathryn is busy looking for work tho... She'd wanted to move towards advertising, but with all the agencies toning it down right now, it's a hard time to be looking....
Bird- That is terrible news. Kathryn was great to work with...really able to finesse possibly tricky situations and she really collaborated with us on the shoots. She will get a great job again, I'm confident.
Bird, I know who you are, fyi.
You're right, Kathryn is great. I'd love to see her in advertising, doing what we all know she is very capable of.
So, you think you've identified this bird. Did you use your Audobon North American Birds books to identify me? Or was the IP address? Either way, the colorful markings are a giveaway sometimes...
Birds of a feather tend to flock together...
Rumor has it the Hartle's are headed back to Detroit where rents and salaries are more condusive to magazine survival. SF freelancers can point the way to what needs coverage, while production doesn't need the overhead.
I can't believe they'd go to Detroit. Have you been to Detroit?? Don't waste your time.
Detroit is the catch all for the place auto executives hang their hat. Have you seen what kind of house you can buy there? Good-bye El Cerrito hello Bloomfield Hills!
TA, are you anonymously posting to your own blog?
You know they have drugs that can help w/ that, now.
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