A brief cameo at the APA / NY Apple store " Photographers Who Blog: Amy Stein and Andrew Hetherington" lecture last night. Just proof that flattery will get you everywhere! Below is A.H, mid-lecture, in front of what looks like a childhood photograph.
Photographers prey on flattery. They're flattered to be chosen to do the job. The subject is flattered to asked to pose. The photographer wants nice things said about his efforts. The subject wants to look good in print. Now we have this disturbing bit of the flattery feedback loupe with which to contend; Two photographers flattering each other at a public flattery-a-thon using the projected thoughts of one's own blog flattery is the vehicle. McLuhan twists.
Hi Anony-
That's a great quote: funny and on target. I'm sure you already know that this blog is all set up as a tool to do two things:
1. Make is seem like people care about what I do. ( photography projects)
2. Make is seem like people care what I say. ( the writing, essay stuff, reviews, etc)
Of course I try to disguise my efforts as entertainment, but sometimes my efforts are more transparent than other times.
No apology or change is necessary. I was a bit harsh with the use of the word 'disturbing'. Oh, and thanks for not commenting on my cheap editing.
His work is what I would call "the not quite decisive moment that's reasonably well lit". It's sorta like the first second when after doing a bolted down lighting set up the "release" occurs for both the sitter and the photographer.
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