My portfolio has always sucked...it's always been the weakest link in the whole package. I'm just not a clean and neat craftsman when it comes time to produce these things big epson heavy books.
After trying to beg my reps to let me double click and crank out a BLURB book as my portfolio, putting them off and telling them I'll get to it another time, they finally told me the current book looks terrible and needs to be redefined. Borrowing liberally from TB's book, but changing it enough to avoid legal action and papers being served. Here are shots from the new prototype I pitched the reps. They seemed to like it, now we gotta produce it.
in my personal opinion, the blurb/asuka/fastback books are great for a month or two. then, you shoot something new that you like, and you want to update the book, and you're screwed.
i have gone this route, and it was great for a while, very professional feeling, but then you realize how much time and money and hassle it is to update them, and you regret it.
Wow that looks good. Don't you think? t
Portfolios stress me out. I haven't had one in years. I love the kids in cars!
Looks damn clean indeed. My initial worry is the quality of the paper.
Agencies, editors and everyone else assigned to pawing over the books, aren't often known for their hygiene, so surely the pages get a bit tattered.
That being said, I love the idea and will be using it shortly.
Out of interest, how many pages did you end up going for?
Oh, sorry. I probably should have clarified: the reps nixed the idea of the blurb book. They really want the thick watercolor pages and large size that ink jet prints provide. They need it to dominate on a conference table...that type of thing. So in the end the book is 13 x 19 inkjet prints, horizontal structure...very time consuming for me but I'm sold on the idea.
ps: I knew a techy / commercial post like this would get attention. Next is a review of the new Canon 5 d. Just kidding.
I was just about to remove the feed from google reader when i saw you were joking :)
it looks good from here... portfolios are so hard! went back and forth on the pagination w/ my rep countless times on this last go around... just sent the finished product out Saturday... MONTHS after we started! so just think, it could be worse. . .
tis the season to make a new book. have fun!
bird- you have a rep? ok, you must tell us who you are. or just tell us who your rep is and i'll be i can guess.
13x19 is big for a portfolio, no? what are you using for a cover/case? i made an 11x14 book i was happy with about a year ago, but it badly needs updating. it's such an unpleasant and tedious process i always put it off, though. hmm. . .
How would a Blurb Book be for a promo, mini book, to send out as a keeper to select clients? Not as an actual portfolio.
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