I said it before, but it's only gotten better. I Like To Tell Stories is the most satisfying word and image combination in the blogosphere today. At it's best, it is like reading Raymond Carver, but with photographs. Here are links to four special stories, be careful not to cry:

photographs by jonathan saunders
just before i was about to walk out the door i decided to check a few blogs. of all my aggregated words and images, this one has the best comment section by far so it's in my top 5 reads. well, needless to say, i was late walking out the door because i had to rummage through satchels of packed up belongings looking for my camera; that's how inspired i was by your link. i'm in a new city and sometimes the only way to stop the punch drunk image overload is to pause them all for a 60th of a second. i had almost forgotten about that.
Hi Ms. F-
Yah...his work is always inspiring. He just does it, not for any real gallery career or trying to leverage anything into a big ad job...its like he shoots just to deal with everyday life.
There is a killer book within there somewhere.
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