Sitting across the dinner table at Erik Almas' home last night, Brooke of Tidepool says " When you have a shot that is getting attention, you really just need to beat people over the head with it, show it to them every way you can!"
I am trying...
What is Flak Photo? Why is it called that odd name? It looks like an actual magazine, or like a high art magazine for online photography fans whom have graduated into a higher and more intellectual brand of photography...and I mean that in only the best way. Where Conscientious feels like you are going to grad school, Flak seems to be on a different, more consciously human channel.
Intelligent, slick and polished, elegant approachable design, it looks like a staff of 10 puts it out or something. But no, one guy, Andy Adams, and this is his manifesto: Flak promotes interesting visual approaches to seeing the world and celebrates the art of exhibiting quality photography online.
And that does indeed sum it up.
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