I finally got organized and collected the images from the project I have been working on during the life of this blog HERE. Go see them and see what you think. Mixed emotions when I saw them all together. The thrill of creating the photographs and doing the scans, trying to make sense and order of all of this stuff that comes thru the house and our lives so rapidly seemed to carry the project. Seeing it all together I have to wonder: Is this too limiting? Does this work for anyone? Is it really the same shot and the same emotion over and over? I don't know, but seeing the work together helps to raise these questions. To me it looks like a chapter, but I don't know how to take it further.
Then this morning I got a note that I think is encouraging from a blog reader in response to an older post/image titled "White Glue, Plastic Eyes, White Paper":
I have to agree with another writer: "the photographs are of a child and are indicative of that sporadic and sometimes spastic realm of childhood creativity."
Not only that, but if your child displays questionable behavior, be it autistic or something suggesting such, then the quirkiness and randomness of the photos only adds one more dimension to your project; a puzzle of sorts, and a deeper meaning behind the image. The title of said project is "Weird Pictures of My Kid." And you can't create a project with this title if at least SOME of the pictures aren't weird, or "off", or just a bit out of the ordinary.
Childhood is not linear and concrete by any means. Rather it is randomly abstract, with priceless moments thrown in for good measure, just to keep things from becoming too ordinary. There's plenty of time for that whenever it is we decide to grow up. :) So keep capturing those quirky moments, and random bits of life (and stickers and glue and glitter and eyeballs) and keep sharing.
First I think the older post "White Glue, Plastic Eyes, White Paper is very cool and right on the money. Each child is something totally new. I've have three children and three grandchildren and their all different and all just like me. As for the series, I think I like it but I need for some reason to see it horizontally rather than vertical.
I think it looks great and the images are far more than one particular image and relate to the way a child lives and communicates (or doesn't) with the world around him.
It's definitely not the same shot - it gets the psychosis of childhood, something of the madness all children exhibit (and all adults too, but we do try harder to conceal it most of the time). It's primal and animal and stripped bare. There are suggestions of the autistic (have you seen Rosie Barnes work - Understanding Stanley) in there but I don't know if this has any relevance to your son - it's a rare child that hasn't exhibited that obsessive off-centredness in large doses.
I'm not sure all the details fit, or some of the portraits, or even if it wouldn't look better with just the portraits, but it's a definite work in progress - it's great, the flip side of childhood, more than a chapter I think.
Thanks Anonymous, for that thoughtfull commentary... but come on...tell us who you are...k?
Sorry Time, that was me, missed out on something when I clicked. Who's k?
oh...cool...thanks for your smart response, though i was hoping it was from some wealthy art collector somewhere, ready to buy the series outright. "k" is short for "ok".
you know, I've been trying to think of something constructive to say but I can't do it any better than that. It'd be interesting to see them on a wall, see how that changes the perspective and narrative.
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