So there is this guy, I think he goes to the Art Institute of Chicago, and he's really into being like a thinking person's photographer in this My Space era. Part Lee Friedlander, part Insane Clown Posse, part high school wrestler, part Walker Evans, all mixed in with flickr and My Space and hot chicks photographing themselves in the mirror for their page. That is his aesthetic.
Know that guy?
xKnow that guy?
That guy is Brad Troemel, curator of the Fun Gun exhibition opening February 16th at Satin Satan Gallery in Chicago.
He describes the exhibition as such:
Satin Satan's next show, "Fun Gun", features photographs which are both visually playful and hint at more serious ideas. This exhibit can be enjoyable to look at for someone who isn't art educated or it can be an intellectual thriller for the skinny jeaned type. My aims for this gallery in a broader sense are to pair talented up-and-comers with established champions of art. I also want to give Chicago a place to look at great work and meet other people. Peoria Street galleries are funerals and I want Satin Satan to be drunk and full of life, you know, the Irish kind of funeral.
Wow. I don't know what to say. Is this the future of art? Do a keg stand for the medium, get drunk on photography? Mark your calendars, get a babysitter, book your flights, google these artists. The show opens on February 16th.
Drink, Feck, Girrrrlss. Oi'll be there.
Brad's liar and a thief. I'm more of a man than he'll ever be and twice the woman he'll ever have.
Well I feel so identify with the paragraph which says that hot chicks photographing themselves in the mirror, that's perfect because I use to do the same thing at home.m10m
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