Bill Silveira lives and works in a place called "Automania". He seems to own an entire city block in Oakland in which he has cars, art, props, trailers...and lots of beautiful natural light. What more could we want for our shoot? The crew, above: Shaun Fenn, Veronica Sjoen, Jamie Thomas, Bill Silviera, Shannon Amos and Rachel Styer taking the snapshots.
This place looks slick...
Veronica is the bomb, too. Apparently good at kicking in a little extra light when needed, too? Always handy...
lets see some final images from this one... looks all time, TA. . .
Hi Bird-
Yes, Veronica is the bomb. Everyone I hire is hot, no question there.
Ok, Bird? Who are you? Are you in SF? Do we know each other? Boy or girl? Are you hot? Let us know or you will be banned from the blog comments page....maybe.
Nice Pacer!
bird. is an SF installation, yes, flying under the radar- sorta. If I were a peacock, I'd have a ton 'o feathers... and they wouldn't all be grey like the lady birds. But- I'm still rockin' the baby bird down. You know, the fuzzies.
I'm not really "hot." I'm a bird, after all. I mean, how hot can one bird be? And don't think of it as a bird the way the Brits call the ladies "birds." Think of it more like, "who's this bird?" or "Looks like this baby bird is tryin' to fly, but doesn't have all his feathers" sorta bird. I'm still in the nest. Gettin' ready to take off. Gonna go bomb some cars and small children. Make my mark in this ever changing, sometimes confusing photo world. I've got some work around. Still, it takes awhile to learn to fly... my markings haven't yet become apparent the way other birds' are. I'm no peacock! I'd probably be a dodo.
29 Jun 2011
This Pacer ended up being the model for Pixar Studios Cars 2 badguy "Acer" which opened this week.
N.K. Dehner
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