Halloween provided a few real moments this year. Prowling around the neighborhood with a Ghost and a Spaceman, sitting under a streetlight and ripping into the bag, pouring the contents of a Pixie Stick directly down our throats, passing it around as if we were three homeless dudes sharing a bottle of Jim Beam.
Ghost: You know what the best part of Halloween is?
Me: Um, no. Tell me.
Ghost: Seeing into strangers houses!
The day after, of course, is a bloodbath. Sugar hangover for children, wired and breaking down over the smallest things, showing early signs of addiction. So not fun for anyone. And by then, you realize it is November 1st, winter is here and is going to be here for a while.
Trick or Treat? Is it serendipity? Karmic retribution? I don't know, but just as the holiday was coming to a close, our production of the forthcoming M&M ad campaign with BBDO in NY was all snapping together with the yellow boxed prop shown above arriving at my doorstep. We wrestle this all to the floor on Monday and Tuesday up here in SF.
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