Sunday, November 4, 2012

Twitter & The Wake Of The Photograph

Photograph by Tim Dorsey
The thing about Twitter is that it really has been a "game changer", as cliched as that sounds.
Access to people is more open than ever. Never would I be able to reach a corporate heavy hitter or a sports superstar to thank them for their time after a shoot, but here in the era of Twitter, I can find our Forbes cover subject Jack Dorsey, send a note thanking him for his time, get his reaction to the photograph, and then really see the wake in the aftermath of the images we created.
A few moments on Twitter got me onto the site of Mr. Tim Dorsey of MA Tech Services, a company specializing in mass spectrometer work. I'm assuming he is also the Dad of Jack Dorsey, our cover subject. Here on his Twitter is a stunning photograph made by Tim of a newstand that has the October issue of Forbes featuring his son. He arranged the magazines to display the cover in repetition...just such a great metaphor for the pride his Dad seems to be feeling at that moment. Beneath the image is a brief caption that includes the note "We bought all of them."
Later that week appears a photograph with a stack of the magazines, a copy of Freedom Manifesto by Steve Forbes, thoughtfully inscribed by Mr. Forbes himself. The signature reads "To The Dorseys- Who exemplify the best of free market creativity. With gratitude, Steve Forbes."
Why am I going on about this? Well Dorsey created Twitter. His Dad is using it to great effect. We shot Dorsey. We then got to get a peek into the way the shoot touched his parents, all via this platform their son helped create. 
Technology can be a massive time suck and a negative energy force itself. But wow...when it gives you this, it feels good to see the positive as well. 
Above photograph by Tim Dorsey, below photograph by Moira Forbes.
Photograph by Moira Forbes

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