A friend visited our hometown this weekend and sent me this shot I took but had lost from Winter 1985.
I was trying to be a low budget Bruce Davidson Americana type of photographer, as you can see.
New work from photographer Timothy Archibald as well as the work of other folks he really digs.
Was this friend Martin Benjamin by any chance? Otherwise, besides you, MB and the guy pictured here, I didn't know there was anyone in that town.
No...Lisa Mitchell, a friend from High School. She had the photo from back then and scanned it and sent it to me. There is a long photo literate history in Schenectady you know!
When Nathan Lyons published 'Towards a Social Landscape' Bruce Davidson along with Garry Winogrand, Lee Friedlander, Duane Michaels and Danny Lyon, became mid-century ikons of a different sort of expository photography. On the one hand were those who revealed the news with images, and on the other were those who reveled in the forms and moods of the natural world. The social landscapers blended these differences into personal expressions about the times in which they lived.
Thus we have TAs natural association with a formative time in his own photography career coupled with the expressive possibility of a moment known only to his creative mind. It is not given to the wider public to know the precise circumstances, only that TA knew in an instant something that made him want to preserve it.
Oh...I had really just looked at Bruce Davidson's stuff and other stuff that looked like that and was trying to copy it.
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