Nice looking spread above in Outside Magazine this month. Not a typical shot that I would do....it is always hard for me when the subject won't stand still. Thankfully we have autofocus, post production, and 1600 everything. Couple more of the out takes from the Jon Olsson shoot below as well...click on these things to see them big.
I just happen to pick this issue up today. My favorite is the third one of the out takes with him lying on his back. I don't know what it is exactly, but it has this nesting feeling to it. Which one is your favorite?
Wow Tim, I love these. Great work. Really interesting play of the warmth of light against the industrial strength of the location. Refreshing to see a layout which showcases your work.
Hey gentlemen-
I actually like the one they chose best...I just never shoot like that and think it is exciting when you can let go of control and have something surprising come from it. But then...I don't like it as a picture alone...I think the building is un-attractive, but I think it looks real good as a spread with the copy and all eating up space.
I think it looks great! I like the one they chose, also the first one with the nets, the light is beautiful.
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