"With the onset of high quality digital imaging and the Internet, the printed photograph is no longer a necessary way of displaying or editing work. Books are now the least efficient way of showing work, as they are limited by availability, the publisher's discretion over content, the the economic status of the viewer. The website allows the artist complete control over what and when their work is seen. 98.9% of public libraries in America have access to the Internet, making it possible for virtually anyone to see a website."

I would like as many people as possible to see my works and think about the ideas they raise, if not to just enjoy the pictures aesthetically. Additionally, because humor is one of the most important aspects of being alive, I would also like to bring laughter and happiness to as many people as possible. But the internet is a source to view, not own. Everything on this LCD screen we stare at isn't actually real. In photography's case, every image you see on the internet is an image of an image of an image. Seeing art should not be an elite club, the indulgence of owning it should be. The ownership of a photograph is something I would like to keep as sacred and personal as the ownership of any other medium of art. For that reason, I will limit all prints to editions of one.
Now is the time to begin looking at photographs on the Internet as being as valid as those on the wall. ... I no longer think the print is a necessary tool in critiquing work as I look at digital imagery as being of equal validity. The physical manifestation of a photograph's only purpose is for its sale as an object to whoever is most invested in it. For these reasons, I will never print for a review or interview again."
I can't say I agree with Brad, nor do I think he is totally serious...but I totally respect it. Read it all HERE and get to work on your own Manifesto.

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