Up at the Russian River region today and a day last week shooting landscapes for Scientific American....a great project and a real change of pace in a very nice way. I found this hotel and loved it and was repulsed by it. I shot it with my cameraphone while getting gas. I went home and looked it up online. It read : The New Dynamic Inn, Where Cosmic Energies Unite Within You ®
I laughed at that slogan, because the place looked so un blissfull....so not cosmic. But that idea...cosmic energies uniting within me....oh, that I like. There has been lots of fun stuff going on these past few weeks work and art wise. A while back we discussed The Silence. The opposite of The Silence is The Electricity. The Electricity feels like....oh...electrical currents, magnetic currents aligning themselves with you and drawing people to you, drawing projects to you....options are presented, life seems full of opportunity. Exhibitions seek you out....stock sales go thru effortlessly....it just feels like you are in the current. You blow a job and easily make the changes to resolve it....the flow, the current...you are with it, not against it. That's the feeling of The Electricity....it really does feel like cosmic energies uniting within me.
But as you know, you gotta enjoy it when it hits...because its not gonna last forever.
They have email? Make me a reservation.
You have nice Humar. Cosmic energy is not belonged to the only certain mindset. It belongs to one own understanding. I live in this town. This happened after some mild storm.this one of very user friendly property in our town.
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