I cleaned my office last week and wanted to document it just as it was.
Amidst a frustrating day of computer networking glitches I posted a note to Facebook with a camera phone shot of my office, asking for others to entertain me with shot of theirs. Borrowing heavily from really well done projects found on The Selby and WTJ, mine was a fast food attempt that resulted in a form of lazy anthropology. But it did feel like Xmas as everyone was sending forth their shots for me to see. A voyeuristic Xmas.
In this CraigsList times of ours, sometimes you can just ask and then receive...it can be that easy. The results....? Oh...they suffer. I don't know if these images are boring or just matter-of-fact documents. But here ya go, dig into it, all of you curious folk out there...I have to share.

Thomas Broening

Lisa Mitchell

Melanie Skrzek

John-Paul Mountford

Rob Prideux

Shane O'Neill

Tony Fouhse

Erich Morton

Jeff Singer

Jackie Alpers

Shannon Amos
nice experiment. i think it is interesting to see how people arrange their work space when given somewhat free range- as opposed to being in a cubicle. i assume most people cleaned prior to taking the picture?
I didn't !
Clean? Not me!
No...I think I was the only one who cleaned. Everyone else seemed to just grab a shot as it was....the more chaos the better...see LM and TB.
I just have a hard time understanding these people like JPM and JS whose work space looks like a hotel room when you first check in...everything in its place...ya know?
Just finished cleaning will then paint and should have a picture for you no later than Monday.
as it's 7x9, if everthing wasn't kept in it's place it would very rapidly decend into an obsticle coarse.
That's a pretty neat collection of tidy office pictures you've gathered. I'm going to have to start taking pictures of the ones I clean, I do it day in day out. I might even post them to you if you're still interested!
HAHA! Your title is so funny! Anyway, we can’t blame other people for working under such environments. This is their nature, and we’ll just have hard time trying to figure out why they’re not so organized with their things. After all, we all have our own tastes when it comes from designing our own office space. Cheers!
I work in an office and my company practices this '5S policy' whereby there will be a cleanliness check every month. Those employees whose workstations are unkempt and not deemed to be in a conducive condition will be penalized. Thus, I can conclude that our offices are very prim and proper every single day. The key is to ensure you practice the 'clean as you go' rule whereby you clean each thing after every usage. This way, it gets tidy all the time and no heavy cleaning is needed afterwards. This is especially crucial for your storage cabinets or drawers where you tend to dump everything aside because of the abundance of space you get to enjoy.
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