Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Only Working Blogger On Saturday

My weekends are always so totally absorbed by the kids that I like to try to post on Saturday.
I like to just do one small thing in the day that relates to art rather than family. Just trying to keep my toe in the water, you know? I'm not a childless hipster who gets to think about my art all day and then go to openings at night, snort blow off framed prints, down cocktails, rinse and repeat. (?!?!)
Omg, I sound so bitter. I can't believe I said that. I am so sorry.
Today we got up at 5:50am. Rode bikes at a park and it was freezing. Rode the bus for fun to the school. Went to a school Halloween FunFest. Ate a hotdog. Rode the bus to the library. Went for a hike to a creek. More bikes at a park. None of this sounds like a bloodbath, right? Then home...want to watch Charlotte's Web? Me on the Blackberry texting my photo friends, trying to figure out if the above shot fits in the mix of Echolilia or is it a crime against humanity?
Jury is out! I dunno, it may be both, but I still like it.


Anonymous said...

really nice image, tim. also love that you make it important enough to do one small thing for personal work too. you're thinking right.

Rob Prideaux said...

There is no crime here.

Timothy Archibald said...

The one thing to keep in mind here with this project is that I have total access to it's not difficult to find some small thing that I can do that is relevant to the project. With other projects, like Sex Machines say, everything required research and travel and logistics, etc. With's all right there...I just need to focus and figure out what is special. is easier.

Darrell Eager said...

What does it look like next to the tube arm?

simon anstey said...

great shot Tim, really continues the slightly easy-out-of-the-hand surrealism that goes with many of the other shots. Personally I would sit it next to pliers-in-the-mouth, or maybe something to do with ant :)