Friday, July 6, 2012
This Is More Like It

- Carrie said...
ooh, "shutter clickin' good" is clever!
I can't tell how you feel about these and I'm curious. Is it better to have your work have such an impact on people whether they like it or not, or are you human and prefer people like your work at all times? -
July 6, 2012 at 10:43 AM
- Timothy Archibald said...
Hi Carrie-
I guess I feel like in this photography game, everyone is entitled to their opinion. We all want to be approved, we all want people to think we are great, of course. But...the art, now that is different. The art isn't me. It's art, it's an object or an idea...or in this case a commercial idea that was executed by a team of creatives. We all high five when it works out, but we all can hear ya when it doesn't. And the buzz, the dialogue, at best helps things move forward. Is that enough of an answer? Good question tho on your part!
TA -
July 6, 2012 at 11:11 AM
- Carrie said...
yes, that works! I think they're amazing, personally. I wish people would lighten up and not take things so seriously.
July 9, 2012 at 8:44 AM
June is over. Smithsonian Magazine's June Food issue will be gone from the newsstands. A quick dig into the mailbag pulled up these late coming letters to the editor, addressing our project HOW THE CHICKEN CONQUERED THE WORLD.
To the humorless vegan and Mr. I'm-ashamed-of-you: This trivial article comes under the category of "playing with your food" not "mutilation of the honored dead". Find something important to complain about. Sheesh.