Babes In The Woods, #2When I was 25 I was living alone in an apartment on Baseline Road in Phoenix. It had two floors, two bedrooms, a laundry room. I slept in the living room, processed film in the laundry room, used one bedroom as a darkroom and the other bedroom as like...a meditation room or something. I'd wake up in the living room, almost be in the kitchen, make coffee, eat Grapenuts, go off to work. It'd be 90 degrees easily by 8:00am.
I had a friend who would come up every Wednesday and stay in a hotel on Apache Blvd for his job. I'd meet him in his room, watch t.v., drink pitchers of beer, get stoned, eat chicken wings, walk across the street to the various bars in the neighborhood, drink as much as we wanted to...worse case scenario was I'd sleep on his floor and deal with my job the next day.
Great people watching on these evenings...great philosophising by my friend and I...of course we thought we could write the great American novel simply by transcribing everything we witnessed at these bars. Ever present was the young mom, eager to be out of the house with her newborn and needing a drink. Her baby car seat was propped up on the bar with the sleeping baby inside it. Sometimes a variation: baby car seat on the pool table, baby sleeping amidst the juke box blasting the Bon Jovi, the Skynard, dudes yelling at the sports on the screen. Oh, now its time to play's ok...she'll be ok...just rest her on the table and we'll play one game.
Just finished this image for the series
Babes In The Woods . It's a composite we shot in pieces with Laura Johnston doing the post production. A quieter image than the previous shot....more serene that surreal, but still trying to speak the language of advertising a bit. While putting it together I realized that these scenes from Apache Blvd planted the seed for this image.